Pass Christian

The Main Street Approach

As a unique economic development tool, the Main Street Four-Point Approach™ is the foundation for local initiatives to revitalize their districts by leveraging local assets—from cultural and historical to local enterprises and community pride. The four points of the Main Street approach work together to build a sustainable and complete community revitalization effort. The Main Street approach is incremental; it is not designed to produce immediate change.  In order to succeed, a long-term revitalization effort requires careful attention to every aspect of downtown — a process that takes time and requires leadership and local capacity building. Pass Christian Main Street is a membership organization whose purpose is to protect and enhance Pass Christian’s historically and culturally significant downtown commercial area. Our historic downtown area is our heart and soul, and thus vital to the survival of Pass Christian as a whole. Pass Christian was designated a Mississippi Main Street Community on Oct. 27, 2011. The Pass Christian Main Street Program seeks to preserve the traditional downtown area as a healthy, economically vital center of commerce and social activity, and to promote preservation, rehabilitation and reuse of the commercial, civic, residential and religious buildings in the traditional business district.  


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