Pass Christian

Scenic Drive Images

Please credit Ron Daley for color images of cast on stage.  All black & white photos, posters, and logos may be used without credit to the creator.  CLICK ON IMAGES TO DOWNLOAD.

Mary Ellen MurphyMary Ellen Murphy


Lee KalikLee Kalik LARRY & WILLLarry & Will
Karen ClarkeKaren Clarke


Helani ScurfieldHelani Scurfield Harry ClarkeHarry Clarke
Colin JostColin Jost Clayton PennylegionClayton Penny


Carol VannCarol Vann
Mary Ellen and LeeMary Ellen and Lee Mary Ellen and CaroleMary Ellen and Carole


Clayton_and_LeeClayton and Lee
Scenic_Drive_castScenic Drive Cast Group shotGroup Shot Clayton_and_CaroleClayton and Carole


PC theatre project MainStreet-B&WMainStreet-2C Scenic Drive Poster Scenic Drive Prix Fixe


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